Hi, welcome and thank you for your interests.

The CalmingMoments Study is conducted by the People-Aware Computing Lab at Cornell University and Cornell Tech. We are doing this study to understand how well does the subtle vibration on the wrist can help with anxiety in-the-moment.

The study will be one-week long. During the week, participants will wear a heart rate monitor throughout the day. The anxiety intervention will be delivered at random times throughout the day. After the intervention and at the end of each day, participants will fill in a short questionnaire.

Who's eligible?

At this stage, we are looking for participants who meet the following criteria:

What are the risks?

The risks of participation are low. Participants will go about their normal, day-to-day living while wearing a heart rate monitor and using our intervention.

Why participate? (and what are the benefits)?

The potential benefit of the study is that participants might feel a lower level of anxiety during the study.

How much do I get compensated?

The maximum possible compensation is $175.